Friday, March 13, 2009

simple pleasures

We spent the whole day at the beach today. I mean 8 hours straight! We totally missed lunch unless you count the grapes, pretzels and cookies we snacked on. As you can see the kids are getting darker and darker (and "Yes, Mom" I did cover them with SPF 50 sunscreen! ha ha) Can you believe how high Christopher is jumping in that top picture? I was taking some cute shots of them looking at the water when he leaped up! The bottom picture is of the sand cake that they made me. They happily played all day together with only their imagination and a few sand toys. I LOVE homeschooling on days like this!


  1. Great picture! It looks like you cropped out the ladder that he was kneeling on!

  2. Looks like everyone had a great time. I am still so jealous you got to go to the beach for a month! Love the blog header too.
