Wednesday, March 4, 2009

first day at the beach

We decided to home school our 3 children this year. To take advantage of this schedule, we are spending the month at the beach. I figure why not "do school" at the beach when rates and crowds are low! (I am going for the learning opportunity not because I love the beach- obviously) So, yesterday we loaded up - I mean we really loaded down the car with everything for one adult, 3 kids, and a dog for a month! And today we went for a walk and played at the beach. It is a little cool for me but the kids didn't seem to notice. I have already collected lots of shells. Anyone have any craft ideas for shells? The two older kids buried themselves in the sand! Our first day has been fun and relaxing - I mean- filled with educational experiments!

Not all who wander are lost.
_jrr Tolkien


  1. Guess who forgot to turn on her cell phone today? Shell crafts...cover little boxes, frames, make a shell collection or shoe box diorama of ocean life, mermaid crown, shell fairies or angels. Look on Etsy for pictures of some of these things!

  2. Welcome to blogging. I so love the beach and am so thankful to being so near it.
